This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood and Increase Productivity
My simple routine….
When I open my eyes, I say my gratefuls. I feel beginning each day with a grateful heart sets me, and the people around me, up for success. If nothing other than this happens, because real life is messy, I am happy.
Deep breathing is my #2. I inhale through my belly (the diaphragm) then fill my lungs until they cannot take any more, hold for few seconds then exhale the air from my lungs then exhale the air from my belly. This creates a flow of air through the entire respiratory chamber and creates an awareness for me on how I must breathe throughout the day. I do this a few times either in bed or sitting outside in the quiet.
My #3 is drinking a full glass of room temp water, with or without half the juice of a lemon. Let’s be real, some days I don’t want lemon water and some days I do. Some day I just want a hot cup of coffee right when I wake up. However, I never skip the water step! 6-8 oz is good for most days - it flushes the digestive system and re hydrates your cells. After our sleep fast, this is really important to the belly. So, lemon water is great to really flush the kidneys and to alkaline the body. But, if you’re not in the mood that day, definitely drink the water before you put anything in your tummy! Then continue to hydrate throughout the day. Your clarity will improve, your skin will clear up, you won’t want to snack as much, and your entire body will change for the better!
The fantastic #4 gets me moving my body! Some mornings I do a 2 minute down dog, some mornings I do squats, lunges, and high knees, and some mornings I jump on my little trampoline. A few days a week I take a fast walk, cycle, or do an hour of yoga. The point here is MOVE! There is no rule book, there is no one taking notes on what you do, and there is no one you need report to….except yourself! And let’s face it, you cannot lie to yourself. Neither can I! I am grateful for any type of movement I do in the morning, and you can be to. I used to beat myself up for not doing enough, then I got woke! Actually I turned 40 and realized my own worst enemy was me. Now, I write the rules and don’t ask for the opinions of others unless I need it, or give it to them (insert wink emoji here).
Lastly, I allow the world to enter my day….farm animals, school lunch, breakfast, wake the loved ones, check emails, my calendar, make my list, pack my snacks and oh shit boxes for the day, and do the things. But I get to do the things with a calm mind and energized soul. So can you…